Hap Partridge
- 1st construction experience was on the roof of The Partridge Home at 4 years old.
- Grew up experiencing the perfection of Alton (Dad) in all phases of construction projects.
- Attended U of South Ala working construction jobs for tuition until completion of degree in Business Management.
- Started Happy Home Foamers w/ Dad in 1977
- Evolved to Happy Home Insulation
- Trained as H.E.R.S. EnergyRater & Building Performance Institute Analyst / Envelope Specialist. " I get a huge thrill seeing long time clients & discovering their great results!
Peter Partridge
- Grew up enjoying the world of Happy Home helping after school & weekends.
- Worked homes shows in early teens educating potential clients.
- Developed the nack for unique solutions in many areas.
- At 17 joined the Army & served in the regular Army & Guard for 8 years.
- Then joined w. Hap (Dad) to run Happy Home at age 23. Now is very proficient at energy audits & solving a wide variety of Home Performance problems!
- Leah Partridge (at 1 year) demonstrating our Cellulose insulation is safe. For many years we have used this picture in our Yellow Page ads.
- Jay Leno used the Yellow Page ad on the Tonight Show making Leah a celebrity at Fairhope High School !
- Leah worked for Happy Home during high school & college. She originally developed this website; designed marketing literature;& other office work.
- After graduating from U of South Ala she does commercial appraising,
The Story of Happy Home!
- by The Partridge Family
Matthew Partridge
- Grew up helping w/ various duties in the business.
- when told he could dig ditches or go to college- He earned degree in Computer Science from U of South Ala,
- and is now designing programs w/Pilot Catastrophe.

Alton Partridge
- An Eagle Scout
- Scoutmaster
Happy Home was created by Hap & Alton (Dad) Partridge in 1977
Alton Partridge
- Learned conservation principles as a Depression era baby.
- Eagle Scout
- Scoutmaster
- Studied Engineering Principles @ U of Ala Mobile Extention
- Volunteered For The Navy in WW 2
- Worked for The Air Force as quaiity control
- Shown (in picture) - Interview w/ Better Business Bureau' s Bob Kirby
Mom- Best Nurse
Margaret Loves Her Patients!